Welcome, New Trojans!

General Program Information

The Grade 9 Course Calendar Supplement 2025-26 provides a description of all Grade 9 Courses offered at Forest Heights.

You can use this Grade 9 Course Selection Cheatsheet to help you track your choices and have discussions with your parents and teachers about the courses that are right for you.

Once you’ve finalized all your course selections, you will send these choices to us using an online portal called MyBlueprint (see Step 3).


Step 1:  Choose Your Compulsory Courses

Students are required to take 8 courses in Grade 9.  All Grade 9 students must take the following five compulsory courses:

  • English (select ENL1WI)
  • French (select FSF1DI or FEF1DI for Extended French)
  • Science (select SNC1WI)
  • Canadian Geography (select CGC1WI ** Extended French students will take CGC1WF)
  • Mathematics (select MTH1WI)

Step 2: Choose Your Three Elective Courses

After choosing five elective courses, you will choose three elective courses.  All elective courses are “open” level.  Forest Heights offers 12 different elective courses in Grade 9.

All students must select three elective courses in Grade 9.  Click on the course code to learn more information about each course.

Course Descriptions for all FHCI courses offered in 2025-26 are available in the public FHCI myBlueprint page – please carefully review them when you are making your course selections.


ADA 1OI – Dramatic Arts HFN1OI – Food & Nutrition
AMI1OI – Instrumental Music PAI1OI – Grade 9 Coed Individual & Small Group Activities
AMV1OI – Vocal Music PPL1OX – Healthy & Active Living Education (girls)
ATC1OI – Dance PPL1OY – Healthy & Active Living Education (boys)
AVI1OI – Visual Arts TAS1OI – Technology and the Skilled Trades
BEM1OI – Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset   TEJ1OI – Exploring Computer Technology

Note:  There are no course fees. For some courses, there could be a supplemental fee for consumable materials or experiential opportunities like field tripsIn addition, extra-curricular clubs, school events and teams will have fees. We do not want fees to be a barrier from a student participating, so If you have a concern about a supplemental fee, please know there are funds available to support students. Please speak with your teacher, vice-principal or guidance counsellor.

E-learning/Online Learning Requirements

Note that all students will need to complete the equivalent of 2 full credits of online/e-learning courses in order to graduate (unless a parent/caregiver signs the opt out form).

To help you with your planning, the WRDSB will offer the following courses in 2025-2026 through our e-learning platform.  Please speak to your guidance counsellor if you plan to take these courses through the e-learning platform versus regular in-school programming.  You must indicate your choice to take the e-learning courses in myBlueprint by selecting the correct course codes that end in “E”.

Compulsory Courses available in e-learning format: ENL1WE-English*; CGC1WE-Exploring Canadian Geography*;  MTH1WE-Mathematics*; SNC1WI-Science*

Optional/Elective Courses available in e-learning format: AVI1OE-Visual Arts*; BEM1OE-Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset*; GLS1OE-Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School; HIF1OE-Exploring Family Studies*; LNAAOE – Native Languages – Level 1; TGJ1OE-Communication Technology and the Skilled Trades

*indicates that we offer the same course as an in-class option at FHCI

Step 3: Enter Your Courses in MyBlueprint

Once you have used the Grade 9 worksheet to make your plan, you will work with your guidance counsellor and teacher to enter your course selections in MyBlueprint.

Course selections will be completed in myBlueprint.  Note:  You should select the Login using a School Account option.  This will allow you to use your WRDSB PAL account login.

Course selection takes place from within the High School Planner page in your MyBlueprint account.

You will receive an error message when you submit if you have selected courses for which you do not have the proper pre-requiste course(s), if you have selected too many/too few credits, or if you have not selected alternate courses.

As this is a new process, we will all be learning together.  Please be patient with yourself as you work through it (counsellors are learning too!)

Completing Course Selection using the myBlueprint platform

  • Log into your myBlueprint Account
  • Go into your High School Planner page