Youth Sexual Health Services

All services are free and confidential. No health card is required.

Region of Waterloo Public Health provides sexual health services and resources to reduce sexually transmitted infections and to promote healthy sexuality for school communities.

Public Health offers sexual health services both virtually and in person within the Region of Waterloo.

These services are for youth without access to a health care provider, their own health card, or who feel more comfortable coming to a sexual health clinic.

Services include:

  • Access to contraception
  • Pregnancy counselling
  • Sexual health information and education
  • STI testing and treatment

To speak with a nurse or book an appointment by phone please call 519-883-2314 option # 3 Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Virtual appointments are available on Mondays and Fridays. To book a virtual appointment to get more information or access to clinical services, please visit our booking portal below.

Book a Virtual Appointment