Grade 8 Info Night – Dec. 6th, 6:30-8:00 pm

We will be hosting our Grade 8 Information Night on Thursday, December 6th.  All students and parents are invited to join us to learn more about our school and the programs we offer. 6:30 – 7:00 pm – Welcome to High School Join us in the cafeteria for an introduction to high school and life […]

FHCI Food Drive

From November 26th to November 30th, FHCI is having a food drive in support of The Waterloo Region Food Bank.  Most needed food items are beans in sauce, canned meat, fish, stews, chili, canned pasta, canned fruit, tomato sauce, rive, peanut butter, hot cereals, baby formula.  Let’s do this Trojans and stock the Food Bank […]

Nominations for the Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence are now open

Do you want to recognize a teacher or educator for their commitment to education and dedication to students? Now is your chance; nominations for the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence are now open. You can nominate a teacher or educator in three categories: The Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence honours outstanding and innovative […]

Mid-Term Report Cards

  On Thursday, November 22nd, mid-term report cards will be distributed to students in Period A.  Any student who is absent may pick up their report card in the main office.  Good work Trojans on your progress during Semester One.

Recognizing International Transgender Day of Remembrance

The Waterloo Region District School Board would like to extend support to our transgender students, parents/families, and staff in honour of International Transgender Day of Remembrance and Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. We are committed to providing safe, inclusive and caring learning environments for each and every one of our students. Our incredible staff work […]

World Hello Day

Hi, Hello, Bonjour, Aloha, Hola, Ciao, Namaste! On November 20th, Forest Heights will celebrate WORLD HELLO DAY!! Participants world wide celebrate this day by simply greeting a minimum of 10 people, as an expression of the importance of communication in preserving peace, solving conflict and creating an inclusive environment. The Safe Caring and Inclusive School […]

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – November 18-24

We are committed to providing a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment for all students – each and every one. Ontario’s Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week runs from November 18 to 24, 2018. This week is an opportunity for us all to reinforce clear and positive messages that bullying is not acceptable in our schools […]

Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study Begins

The Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study is now underway involving Forest Heights CI, Huron Heights SS, and Cameron Heights CI. The primary purpose of this Boundary Study is to reduce enrolment pressure at Huron Heights Secondary School. The initial Boundary Study report will be presented to Trustees at the Committee of the Whole meeting on […]

Wanted: student art to celebrate winter

This December we are selling winter greeting cards featuring student artwork – and we need your help. We’re looking for student artists to capture the beauty of the winter season and help support our Waterloo Education Foundation (WEFI). Students, proud parents, and educators are asked to submit original student artwork (JK-12) via Twitter and Instagram […]

Friday, November 16, 2018 is a PD Day – no school for students

Friday, November 16, 2018 is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff. Students will not attend school, but Extended Day Programs will operate for enrolled students from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The focus for the day will be School Improvement Planning in the morning. Teachers will participate in a whole-school activity […]

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