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Supporting Our Multilingual Learners (MLLs)

At FHCI we strive to:

  • meet the learning needs of our students at all levels of language development.
  • create a welcoming environment that embraces diversity and supports student health and wellbeing.
  • provide our students with the opportunity to learn courses across the Ontario secondary school curriculum.


Welcoming Our Grade Incoming Grade 9 Students

All course selection for our Multilingual Learners will be done through their Grade 8 school. Guidance and ESL/ELD staff will help students and their families with their choices. If you would like to connect with Forest Heights Collegiate Institute please email Brieana Cuyler-Mellanby brieana_cuyler-mellanby@wrdsb.ca

English Literacy Development (ELD) Program

  • The ELD program is for students who received limited or interrupted education in their home and resettlement countries.
  • They may have some literacy skills in their first language but they are not at an age-appropriate level.
  • Students in ELD programs also demonstrate a range of oral language proficiency in English.

ELD English courses offered: ELDAOI, ELDBOI, ELDCOI, ELDDOI & ELDEOI.  In these courses students will develop the ability to read, write, listen and speak in English. Our core language classes have opportunity for individual support, small group instruction and whole class lessons. 

English as a Second Language (ESL) Program

  • The ESL program is for students who have age-appropriate literacy skills (i.e., reading and writing) in their first language.
  • They have varying levels of literacy and oral language proficiency in English.
  • These students are able to transfer their first language literacy skills to the process of learning English.

ESL English courses offered: ESLAOI, ESLBOI, ESLCOI, ESLDOI & ESLEOI. In these courses students will develop the ability to read, write, listen and speak in English. Our core language classes have opportunity for individual support, small group instruction and whole class lessons. 


Elective Opportunities for ELD & ESL Students:

Our program has congregated electives that provide students with literacy development and the opportunity to explore areas of interest. The ESL/ELD elective classes are: Art, Drama, Music, Family Studies, Computer Science, Business, Physical Education & Technology.

Our Multilingual Learners can also partake in additional program electives based on their STEP level. These electives include: Art, Drama, Computer Science, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Business, Dance, Family Studies, French, Physical Education and Technology.