Information about Final Evaluations

  • While 70% of a student’s grade is based on work completed during the term, 30% of a student’s grade in every course is based on final evaluations administered at or towards the end of the course (Growing Success, 2010).  
  • Students may be required to complete one task or project, or they may be required to complete multiple components as part of the final evaluation for a course.  Students will be required to complete all components of the final evaluation.
  • Final evaluations, including examinations, may occur during regular class time or may be scheduled during the three exam days at the end of the semester (or a combination of both).
  • Regular class attendance and attention to school work are especially important during the month of June.  Absences from any final evaluation must be validated by a parent or guardian.  Failure to successfully complete final evaluations will affect a student’s final grade and may result in a failure to earn the credit.

Study Week

Starting June 17th, field trips, WCSSAA practices or games, school events and activities will not be scheduled to provide students with an opportunity to focus on completing final evaluations.

Exam and Evaluation Days – June 24, 25, 26, 2024 

  • All students must be available to attend school on exam and evaluation days to complete assessment tasks, as requested by their teacher.
  • Courses with final evaluations occurring on these days have been outlined on the schedule below.  Teachers will also review this information with their classes.
  • Students who are not required to complete evaluation tasks on these days are able to study at home; however, supervised study spaces will be available at school.
  • ACE students will attend school according to their regular schedule.


Supervised Study Spaces on the Exam and Evaluation Days

When students do not have an exam they may study and work from home. The Student Success Room and Library will be available for silent individual study.  The cafeteria will be available during regular school hours for those who wish to talk or study in groups.

School Closure or Bus Cancellation

  • School buses run on their regular schedule during these three days.
  • If an exam and evaluation day is cancelled because of unforeseen circumstances (i.e. inclement weather, school closure), those assessments will be written on the next school day and all other assessments will be pushed back one school day.

PD Days on Thursday, June 27 and Friday, June 28, 2024 (no school for students).


Second Semester Report Cards can be picked up from the FHCI main office in July.