Forest Heights students will begin learning remotely from home on January 5th.  



During remote learning, we will continue to follow the regular school day calendar and daily schedule (bell times).  We start on January 5th in Period C and D classes. 

Students will have received an email from their Period C and D teachers this morning about how to meet with their class tomorrow.  Students should check their emails and/or their virtual learning environments (i.e. Google Classroom) for more information from their teachers.

During the scheduled class time, teachers will provide a variety of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities – whole-class learning, small-group conferencing and live teacher support to answer student questions – and provide individual/small group instruction, demonstrations or tutorials.

Students in our ACE classes will be contacted by the classroom teacher on January 5th.   


Attendance During Remote Learning

Attendance will be taken each day.  Students must engage during their class’s scheduled time to be marked present by the teacher.   


Chromebook Issues

If you are experiencing issues with your Chromebook or charger during remote learning, please visit the WRDSB’s tech help website: Tech@Home: Chromebooks. This website contains resources to help students troubleshoot technical problems and issues they may be experiencing with their Chromebooks or with their WRDSB computer accounts.

If you are still experiencing difficulties after visiting this site, please send an email to the Forest Heights In-School Technician, or call the school at 519-744-6567.


Have a Question?

While the school is not open to in-person learning or to visitors, we are working in the main office and answering the phones.  Questions regarding work for a specific course are best directed to the classroom teacher, but if you are not sure how to contact the teacher, please call the main office and we can help provide that information. 

Vice-Principals are available by calling the school at 519-744-6567 or by sending an email to either (students with last names A-J) or to (students with last names K-Z).

We recognize that remote learning can be difficult for many students.  If for any reason a student needs to access supports, please do not hesitate to connect with the student’s Guidance Counsellor or vice-principal.