We would like to thank our students and parents for their support in launching Quadmester Two learning!  Students are certainly doing their very best to adhere to all safety protocols while at school, and we recently hosted two school-wide, virtual assemblies to remind students of some important safety and learning information.  

Here is the information that was shared with students at our assemblies, and we hope that this information will help to support your student’s learning, especially on the days that their cohort is “learning at home”.  


Learning At Home will Continue on “Snow Days”

New for this year!  In the event that transportation is cancelled, school buildings will close, but learning will continue for all students on-line.  Students will be expected to engage in learning in the same way that they do when their cohort is “learning at home” (see below).


Students who are learning at home are expected to be available and ready to do school work on the same schedule as when they are in school (from 8:20 am to 2:05 pm).   

Students must engage in learning everyday that they are at home.  Each teacher will have different expectations for what students will be doing, but all teachers will require students to log-in everyday (sometimes many times a day) when students are at home.  It is very important that students be ready to engage with learning, complete assignments, or join Google Meets  during school hours, and to ask their teacher if they are unclear about the expectations.


Students should regularly check their WRDSB Email.

Important information is often sent to a student’s WRDSB email.  As a first step, students and parents are encouraged to email teachers with specific questions.  For WRDSB staff members, email addresses follow the following format  firstname_lastname@wrdsb.ca.  Students can also type a teacher’s last name in the “To” field and the full name and email address will be provided.  Teachers will respond as soon as they are able to do so within the school day. 


Accessing Support and Help

Students that are “Learning at Home”, including students in the DLP, have access to their teacher and all additional school supports including Guidance Counselors, Special Education supports, Child and Youth Workers, and Social Worker supports.

All students can complete this on-line form to request support from or an appointment with their FHCI Guidance Counsellor. 

Students with an IEP can email Allison_Schiedel@wrdsb.ca directly to access support.  Ms. Schiedel or another member of the Learning Services team will connect with each student and provide individual support as needed.


Quad 1 Report Cards and Quad 2 Progress Reports

  • Quadmester One Final Report Cards will be sent home with students on November 24th (Cohort B) and November 26th (Cohort A).  DLP report cards are being mailed home.
  • Quadmester Two Mid-Quadmester Progress Reports will be emailed to students and parents during the week of December 14th (for all courses and cohorts).


Not Sure Who to Contact?

If you have questions and you’re not exactly sure where to start or who to contact, do not hesitate to call the school at 519-744-6567 or email fhc@wrdsb.ca and we will do our best to help.